ECEC Author, Consultant, STEAM Researcher, Lecturer, CPD Trainer, Podcaster
My Consultancy & Training Services
Are you looking to learn more about how to implement Síolta quality standards, incorporate STEAM in your curriculum, improve your management and leadership style, create a website for your service, implement significant change or develop the overall quality of your ECEC service?
Or perhaps you want you want to engage in CPD training or mentorship for your team?
As an experienced ECEC lecturer, manager, researcher, trainer and published author of "Síolta in Practice" a book on implementing quality standards in ECEC, I can provide you with bespoke training or consultancy services tailored to meet your specific needs.
CPD Training Workshops
Explore the CPD training options available below.
Or contact me to discuss a bespoke workshop to meet your needs.
Síolta in practice
Síolta need not feel like another item to add to do list, but can be woven and interconnected throughout daily ECEC practice. Síolta is the quality framework for ECEC and affects all aspects of practice. However, educators often find it difficult to understand how to incorporate Síolta into daily practice.
This practical workshop, based on my popular book "Síolta in Practice", highlights how Síolta is in everything that we do and to implement Síolta means drawing upon all other areas of our knowledge and professional practice.
STEAM in early childhood
STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, the arts and maths.
In this workshop, learn how to introduce STEAM activities which are fun, child-led, and support quality early learning experiences for children from 0-6 years old. Technologies used will be unplugged, non-digital and non-screen based! Suggested STEAM activities will use resources and materials already easily available in the ECEC environment.
STEAM in school-age care
Learn how to introduce STEAM activities which are fun, interactive, hands-on and interesting for children in school age care/afterschool care. Technologies used will be unplugged, non-digital and non-screen based! Suggested STEAM activities will use resources and materials already easily available in the SAC environment.
Teamwork and professional practice
This workshop will focus on working together as a unified team with a positive working relationship based on communication, peer support and respect. All of which are vitally important for quality ECEC.
The quality of our interactions and relationships with each other as educators, managers and leaders, has a direct impact on the children in our setting. When we work and collaborate together in a positive way, we role model this behaviour for children and create a positive and supportive ECEC environment for all adults and children in the setting.
ethical boundaries and professionalism
Ethical boundaries are key to professional ECEC practice. Setting these boundaries supports the development of trusting relationships between educators, parents, families and children.
The ECEC profession means having access to vulnerable children, access to personal/sensitive information and the ability to impact the lives of children and families.
This workshop will focus on handling difficult ethical dilemmas and decisions and setting boundaries between professional and personal relationships.
Is it okay to befriend a parent on social media?
What if sensitive information is disclosed to me?
Overhearing another educator speaking negatively about a child or parent. What to do?
What is the difference between being objective and subjective?
I can also provide bespoke consultancy or CPD training based on the needs of your individual setting.
In Person or Online?
Group or individual training available both in person or online.
Consultancy services also available both in person or online.
I can work around the time and availability of you, your team and your setting.
Contact me using the form or by email or phone to discuss the needs of your individual ECEC service.
email: paulawalshe@hotmail.com
ph: +353 85 733 9606